It is the place where the pigeage of the grapes used to take place to produce the “must” that was then put in huge tanks
In the surrondings of Moun Etna there are numerous examples of this.The space of the restaurant and lounge bar
Today in this ancient winery the authentic memory that reveals the feeling of its rhythmn lives again, with the hard stone, the tanks, the pressing, to let our guests feel the pleasure of ancient times, enjoying it through the taste: as a matter of fact all cleaned out and restored it has now become the restaurant and lounge bar area.Agriturismo di Paola Maugeri
P. IVA: 03907420875
Strada Provinciale 2/I-II n.60
95018 Archi - Riposto (CT) - Sicilia
Tel. (+39) 095 782.89.32
Mob. (+39) 347 276.55.52
CIR: 19087039B525990
CIN: IT087039B5AO7IG77J